Friday, 6 June 2008

5th June 2008

Another training day.....

Jo was shoeing Charlie (Shetland pony going to Royal Highland Show this year) so I was at a loose end. Charlot is an escapee - he gets over fences and just potters around outside the house. Eggwub is usually in evidence too so I let them into the school, caught Eggwub and tied him up.

I decided that Mr Headcollar was the special skill to work on. I got a particularly "nice" purple one and a pocketful of carrot pieces. Charlot was in the school, wandering about but could not escape outside. With Eggwub already nodding off, standing quietly tied up, I approached Charlot, gave him a carrot and put on the headcollar. He stood there and let me do it with barely a flinch. So, I took off the headcollar and did it all over again.... and again..... and again until he stopped reacting. I had long since run out of carrots and the headcollar issue seemed solved.

Then, we worked on leading again. Charlot would like to walk behind you and bunt you if you halt. With my body language, I said that bunting was not the best thing and asked him to walk beside me. He was reluctant to do this, but eventually was walking calmly. We did try a trot, but he didn't understand what I wanted and ended up behind me again. I won't push him on this yet. More work is required obviously.

Feeling that this was a good time, I attached a lunge line to Charlot's headcollar and took him into the middle of the school to teach him to lunge.

He tried to evade the issue, standing still, changing direction or walking backwards. He wanted to be with Eggwub (now snoring!) and I wouldn't let him. Eventually I got him walking calmly in small circles preventing him from stopping. He worked better in one direction than the other but he learned quickly and clearly enjoyed it.

Jo took over so I could take photos and was much more successful. She is better at lungeing than me! Charlot worked very well and was listening and learning. She kept him in walk and taught him to stop and walk on. She then did a quick Mr Headcollar lesson and could see that he was now fine.

We gave him an apple, woke up Eggwub and put them back in their field! Jo took the headcollar on and off in the field just to see if Charlot would co-operate. He was 100%!

Good lad!

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